New GPS repeater to support Galileo signals from November 2016
Introduction to Galileo
Galileo is a global navigation satellite system (GNSS) that is currently under construction through the European Space Agency (ESA) and the European GNSS Agency (GSA), headquartered in Prague.
The graphic shows the Galileo orbit pattern compared to other constellations such as the American GPS.
Click on the image to see an animated version on the Wiki commons site.
The Galileo project will provide an alternative positioning system upon which European nations can rely.
It is intended to be completely independent of other well-established systems such as the United States GPS and the Russian GLONASS systems.
A basic (low-precision) service will be available freely to everyone, with high-precision offerings available to paying commercial users.
As of May 2016, there were 14 of the expected 30 satellites in orbit. Here’s the background on the ESA site.
New GPS repeater includes Galileo support
In common with all GNSS systems, the Galileo signals are relatively weak when they get down to the earth’s surface, hence it’s usually impossible to operate a GPS receiver indoors due to the blocking nature of the structure.
A GPS repeater system solves this issue by bringing the outdoor signal inside the building.
FalTech GPS has supplied over 750 repeater systems into a variety of applications including fire stations, police stations, aircraft hangars and electronics workshops; some of our clients are listed here.
The product range is about to be expanded to include the Galileo signals – a brand new repeater will complement the existing product range to cover virtually all possible uses.
Towards the end of November 2016 there will be two new options to allow operation of Galileo devices indoors.
The first version will support GPS L1, GLONASS and Galileo in both waterproof (IP67) and non-waterproof (IP40) enclosures.
For situations where the GPS L2 signal is needed (usually in aviation environments) a quad-band system in an IP67 waterproof enclosure will be available to support L1, L2, GLONASS and Galileo.
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IP40 enclosure for L1, GLONASS & Galileo | IP67 enclosure for L1, GLONASS & Galileo | IP 67 enclosure for L1, L2, GLONASS & Galileo |
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As soon as these new repeaters are available we will send price and availability details.